Simple to deploy and configure
Now, managing Azure WVD is easier than ever before. In the Azure Portal, you can deploy and manage virtual desktops and apps, assign users and have access to monitoring and diagnostics. All of this is available to you in a single interface.
Cost effective
Azure WVD can save your organization money, because you only pay for virtual servers when your virtual desktops are on. In addition, when using Azure WVD, there is less infrastructure required to run a distributed team.
Easy to scale
You can quickly provide full Windows 10 desktops with all your business applications to your users. You can also increase or decrease the number of virtual desktops you use as your workforce changes.
Like with all Microsoft Cloud Services, there are no contractual commitments with Azure WVD. The service itself is also more flexible than other available options because it allows you to choose to give your employees the entire desktop experience or only offer specific virtual apps. It’s also the only virtual desktop interface that offers Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session.
You may be wondering: How do I determine if my organization will benefit from a virtual desktop solution? If all of your staff have work laptops and you can secure and manage their access to the information and applications they need, using a virtual desktop may not be necessary for your organization.
However, for many companies, Compete366’s Azure experts highlight that their specific needs are best managed with a virtual desktop. If any of the following apply to you, it’s worth considering Azure WVD.
Your staff need to work remotely
Your team need to be able to work from home, when travelling, on customer sites or in the office and have the same user experience wherever they are. You need to manage and secure access to company data and applications.
Simple security management
When you have contractors or part time staff that need access to information, security can become a concern. Azure WVD makes it easy for you to provide controlled and secure access to your data and applications. Additionally, your full-time employees can use their home PC (or Mac) to connect to their work virtual desktop. This keeps all your corporate information secure.
You have an occasional need for PCs
Don’t waste resources on setting up several physical machines if all of your employees don’t need a dedicated PC. Azure WVD makes it possible to deploy virtual PCs when you need them. As your needs change, you can add or remove virtual desktops to meet the needs of your workforce.
More info: Azure Virtual Desktop | Windows Virtual Desktop Pricing