All 70 of our participants have put in their entrance fees. Math time! It's a fatal battle. It ensues for 30 minutes. . .finally 6 brave warriors emerge. The last 6 of RuneScape gold clan 1. These band of brothers take home the winnings of all of the entry fees! We can nevertheless squash RWT. All the entry fees will be divided by however many successes clan members stand in the end of the battle. Our 6 boys here will each recieve 1/6th of the entrance fees.
As soon as I discovered there was a Cooking Guild, I wanted to get inside right away. It required 32 Cooking, therefore I got there quickly! I went inside only to view, grapes, a pot, pan, a chocolate bar, apples, and also some other things that don't have any USE. I believe that Jagex has got the ability to make a way better Guild than that! Also, the Ranging Guild. The only things you can do there are reach targets and purchase stuff that may be purchased in Varrock already! Is that a joke? I'm SUGGESTING that these guilds can be redone to be produced better like the Warriors Guild.
The first Guild I would like to speak about could be the Cooking Guild. In here you can find a bank which may be used in case you've finished Varrock's Achievement Diary, their is the Head Chef who possesses the Cooking Skill Cape, a salesman who sells pops, some supplies which may be used to make pies such as implements and pie tins, a Dairy Churn, a wheat area in the back, and a wheat mill.
Thus far, the Guild is pretty excellent. What will make the Guild better is when their could be something like a restaurant mini-game. First, the Guild would need to be enlarged a little bit. If you ask me, it's tiny. When it was enlarged, and a fourth floor has been added, it can be used a restaurant mini-game place.
To begin this mini-game, you need to have a white apron and a Chef hat on. Following that, you must talk to the Head Chef and he will take you into the fourth floor. He will tell you that you have to buy 2007 runescape gold take the equipment on the desk and wait for folks to purchase.